Here’s How to Make the Best Coffee in an Espresso Machine

Espresso machine
Photo by Daryan Shamkhali on Unsplash

An espresso machine can take a big part of your kitchen counter so it’s important to make sure it’s worth it. Making a great cup of espresso at home is not very difficult. Here are some things you can do to make sure you always get a perfect cup of coffee.

Get a Scale

A scale is an important tool for making espresso as it makes it easy to measure just the right amount of ground coffee every single time. If you’ve been winging it so far, you’ll notice a big difference in your cup once you get a scale. It will be consistently delicious every morning, providing a perfect start to your day.

Gather the Equipment

An espresso machine is not all you need—there are some useful equipment pieces that can make your life easier. Make sure to get a good cleaning solution and a brush for cleaning your machine. Something extra like a tamping mat will make your tamper and your counter last longer and your job easier.

Fresh Beans

Coffee beans are considered fresh for several days after roasting, so always get the amount you can easily use up within that time. You can prolong this period a bit by using vacuum containers to store coffee and they will be good for up to a month.