How to Make Potato Salad Healthier

Potato salad
Image by Sina W. from Pixabay

Salad is often hailed as a poster child of a healthy diet, but there are several exceptions to this rule, starting with potato salad. This popular comfort dish usually contains more carbs than fiber, but there are ways to revamp the classic recipe and make your potato salad a little bit healthier.

Right Potatoes

The biggest problem with this delicious salad is right there in its name. Potatoes have a pretty high carb content, so they’re best eaten in moderation or replaced with healthier varieties, such as sweet potatoes if you’re trying to keep your salad on a healthy side.

Veggie Bonanza

Consider pumping up the nutritional punch of your potato salad by adding a generous dose of veggies to the mix. Scallions or red onions are a must, but you can also up the fiber content of your salad with crunchy cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, radishes, and fresh herbs.

Go Mayo-Free

Mayo is one of the main potato salad ingredients, but do you really need it? Your dish can taste delicious without it, so consider ditching this fatty condiment. A drizzle of light oil, tangy vinegar, and a sprinkle of herbs is all it takes to make your potato salad truly pop.