Kitchen Hacks to Make Cooking Easy

Kitchen Prep
Photo by Meruyert Gonullu/Pexels

Between shopping, preparing ingredients and eventually cooking them, prep often feels like a long and grueling process. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be. Here are some helpful kitchen hacks to make cooking easier than ever before.

Slicing Steak Fries

If you love eating thick, fluffy fries, then this hack will save you plenty of time. Rather than slicing each potato with a knife, use an apple slicer to instantly create thick, steak fries.

Use Sheet Pans As Trays

While sheet pans are great for baking, they also make for sturdy trays when serving food to your guests. This will help you to save time on washing up regular trays afterward.

Stop Bowls From Slipping

A slippery bowl can make stirring and whisking more difficult. What’s more, it may fall off your kitchen counter. Avoid this issue by simply placing a damp towel under the bowl. This trick also works for cutting boards.