Make Roasted Garlic Your Go To Flavor Bomb

Photo by Mike Kenneally on Unsplash

Roasted garlic is one of the easiest ways to boost flavor in your dishes. All you have to do is cut off a little bit off the top of a head of garlic, drizzle on olive oil and a pinch of salt, loosely wrap in aluminum foil, roast for 45 minutes and you’re done! Here are some awesome recipes for you to add your garlic to.


Take a boring baguette and turn it into a flavorful crostini by spreading the garlic all over it. The garlic turns into a really jammy consistency, perfect for spreading. Top with juicy tomatoes and olive oil and you have an amazing starter!


Whether you’re making it from scratch or buying it from the store, hummus gets taken up so many notches with the savory addition of roast garlic. For presentation, put some on the middle of the plate of hummus for a professional finish.


Roasted chicken goes great with roasted garlic. Simply cover the chicken with herbs de Provence and put in a few tabs of butter, roast for half the time and half way through add in the cloves of garlic. The flavors will be exploding of your plate and you won’t be able to get enough!