Make the Best Mulled Wine with These Simple Tips

Mulled Wine
Photo by Hannah Pemberon on Unsplash

Mulled wine is one of the best ways to warm up on these cold days. However, if you also want to enjoy the taste on top of the warming-up capabilities, you should follow these tips when making it.

Don’t Boil It

One of the biggest mistakes people make when preparing mulled wine is boiling it. By doing so, you will get a burned aftertaste due to all the sugars in it that will immediately spoil the entire experience. Instead, set it to a low temperature and let it simmer.

Skip the Cheapest Wines

You don’t have to splurge on an expensive bottle of wine to have a great mulled wine. But you should also avoid using the cheapest one you can get because you’ll definitely notice it’s bad quality. Opt for something in the middle, a wine you would enjoy drinking on its own but one that isn’t considered too fancy.

Experiment with Ingredients

Mulled wine will be just fine if you resort to cloves and cinnamon. However, to make it the best, you should experiment with the ingredients. Use sweet citruses like orange and tangerines, or throw in a bit of dried herbs like rosemary. Also, various sweeteners, including honey and brown sugar, can do a great job.