No Oven? No Problem: Thanksgiving in Small Apartments

Cooking for Thanksgiving is likely to put stress on anybody’s kitchen, but it’s especially challenging when you’re living in a small apartment with limited kitchen capacity and appliances. If you’re looking for something to prepare for Thanksgiving dinner in your small kitchen this year, here are some no-oven recipes that you can rely on.

Butternut Squash Soup

Butternut squash soup may not be on the classic “traditional” Thanksgiving menu, but it’s a welcome addition to any meal with its hearty, savory flavor and harvest vegetable base that makes it perfect for this meal that marks the end of fall. This recipe only requires a stove and a blender.

Mashed Potatoes

Mashed potatoes are a crucial part of any Thanksgiving spread and, best of all, they can be made fairly easily, with no need for an oven. This five star recipe is a popular favorite.

Pumpkin Cheesecake

Pumpkin pie is great, but pumpkin cheesecake is even more exciting. Surprise and delight your Thanksgiving guests by feeding them this no-bake double layer pumpkin cheesecake.

Cranberry Sauce

Last, but not least, is a Thanksgiving classic that you could probably prepare with one hand tied behind your back, let alone in a small kitchen: cranberry sauce. Yum!