The Most Difficult Desserts From Around The World

Image via fistikcioglu/Instagram

Every culture has some sort of sweet treat, and while some are relatively easy, some are so difficult even professionals have a hard time with them. Here is a list of desserts from around the globe that are complex yet so delicious.


Although this sticky Middle Eastern sweet may just seem like nuts and honey, there is so much work that goes into the dough. Phyllo dough is an unleavened dough that needs to be stretched until it is almost paper thin, but still strong enough to hold the filling. Even using store-bought phyllo can be difficult to work with.


This traditional French wedding cake is so beautiful and tall but is a real pain to make. Not only do you have to make dozens of profiteroles, or cream puffs, and stack them in a tower, you need to cover it with caramel and spun sugar. Spun sugar is so difficult in itself to make, making this dessert way over the top.

Baked Alaska

Although using fire in desserts is a fun display, making sure the ice cream inside a baked Alaska doesn’t melt is truly a human feat. On top of making meringue and a sponge cake, this dessert should always be savored and appreciated.