The Rice Products You Should Buy And Which You Should Make

Image via Peter Belch/IStocksnap

When it comes to rice, there are so many delicious variations and products that can be enjoyed. But, some are easier to make at home than others. Use this list to put your mind at ease as to what you should make and what you should buy.

Rice Cakes

Rice cakes require you use to use puffed rice, which is very difficult to achieve. In addition to that, many recipes have you deep fry them to create the puffed effect, which takes away all their nutritional value. Instead, buy these at the store and save yourself a headache.

Yellow Rice

Yellow rice is traditional in many Latin-American dishes and is sold in bags that have ingredients to make it yellow without any additions. Well, making it at home only means adding turmeric and a few more spices to your regular white, so don’t waste your money and make it at home!

Rice Flour

Another product of rice is rice flour. Although this is a great alternative for gluten-free folks, it is actually pretty difficult to make it at home. Unlike other gluten-free alternatives, you can’t just throw rice into a high-speed blender or food processor and have flour. You actually need to buy a grain mill to get a fine enough product to use.