Try Out This Unique Egg-Based Sandwich!

Egg Sandwich
Photo by Travis on Unsplash

Every once in a while, we can get introduced to a type of food that really excites us. This sandwich really takes the cake in that regard. We’re huge fans of it, and it’s truly unique in its own right. Based on hard-boiled eggs, it has a Mediterranean flair to it, and you may just love it!

What It Is

Essentially in a nutshell, it’s a sandwich of mayonnaise, paprika, salt, and hard-boiled eggs. This is the base of the sandwich, but there’s a lot more you can do with it, and there are different ways to make it.

Different Approaches

For instance, once you’ve got your two pieces of bread, you’ll want to spread mayonnaise on them. But you can decide to crumble up your hard-boiled eggs over the sandwich, or slice them in a neater way. We generally opt for the latter, but both methods usually work.

When you’re done adding the eggs, you should then sprinkle the paprika and salt over the whole thing. Here’s another place where you can get creative with it. You may want to add a different seasoning such as garlic. Or perhaps you want to get funky and add some mustard to the experience. Ultimately, there are no rules, so you should just try it out and see how you like it!