Which Foods Are Naturally Gluten-Free?

Gluten-free diet
Photo by Eduardo Casajús Gorostiaga on Unsplash

A gluten-free diet has become increasingly popular around the world, and for a lot of reasons. Many people have cut down their gluten intake, or removed it altogether from their diet, but why? Are they trying to lose weight? Does their body react differently to gluten, and why? Here’s what you need to know about gluten.

What Exactly is Gluten?

Gluten is a protein that is commonly found in wheat, barley, and rye. This means that foods such as bread, pasta, cereals, baked foods, and most snack foods tend to be high in gluten.

What are the Symptoms of Gluten Intolerance?

Common symptoms of gluten intolerance are bloating, digestive issues, depression, anxiety, or fatigue. But to be honest, there are all kinds of things that it can trigger, so it’s always good to see a doctor about it.

Which Foods are Naturally Gluten-Free?

Meats, fish, eggs, unprocessed dairy products, grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds are all naturally gluten-free. They’re also all rich in nutrients, ranging from proteins and vitamins to minerals.

What Might a Daily Gluten-Free Diet Look Like?

This is an example of a healthy, nutrient-rich gluten-free diet, but you can make this your own by varying it where you wish: Scrambled or poached eggs with smoked salmon on a bed of lettuce is especially good for breakfast or lunch. For lunch or dinner, you can have boiled potatoes with tuna and sweetcorn, which will give you a powerful energy boost. Alternatively, a refreshing beet, lettuce, olives, and feta salad will work nicely.