Why Haven’t You Tried These Food Hacks Yet?

Food hacks
Image by Дарья Яковлева from Pixabay

Food hacks are basically no-brainers. They’re a great way to save time, effort, and energy in the kitchen and by their nature they’re easy to do. So here’s a list of food hacks that you’ll try for the first time and then find yourself asking, “Where have you been all my life?”. We don’t know how we survived before we found them, either.

  • To make your bananas last longer, wrap their ends in plastic wrap, which will block ethylene gases from releasing out of the stem.
  • To prevent your brown sugar from getting hard in the container, store it with orange peels, an apple slice, or a few marshmallows.
  • To make it easier to grate, freeze your ginger and garlic before taking it to the grater.
  • To chill wine without watering it down, add frozen grapes to a glass instead of ice cubes.
  • Alternatively, you can chill wine quickly by wrapping it in a wet paper towel or dish towel and freezing it for ten minutes.
  • Microwave a lemon for 15 seconds before juicing it to get the most juice out of it possible.
  • If you can’t get a jar open, try adding a rubber band around the lid to add more traction.