Why You Should Always Wash Your Rice Before Cooking

Plain rice
Photo by juemi from Pixabay

Have you ever wondered if washing your rice before cooking is really necessary? Maybe you’ve skipped this step a few times and feel like it works just as well. While it may not affect the taste of your final dish, washing rice has many hidden benefits. 

Removes Excess Starch

The primary reason for washing rice is to remove excess surface starch. When rice is milled, starch granules on the surface turn into a fine powder. This powder can cause rice grains to stick together during cooking, resulting in a gummy or overly sticky texture. Rinsing washes away much of this surface starch. This means the result will be fluffier and more separated rice. 

Reduces Chemicals and Impurities

During processing and transportation, rice can come into contact with contaminants such as pesticides, herbicides, industrial chemicals, and simply dust. Washing rice helps to remove some of these surface contaminants. Although it won’t eliminate all chemical residues, it can reduce their concentration.

Helps in Cooking Certain Dishes

And finally, for some recipes, especially certain Asian dishes like sushi or sticky rice, the washing process is critical. These dishes rely on precise rice textures, which can only be achieved by rinsing away the excess starch before cooking.